
The NZIFSA has developed a set of medal tests designed to promote and measure progress in the sport. The tests are also used to set the entry level criteria for competitions. These tests are independent from the Kiwi Skate tests and begin at about Kiwi Skate basic level and go through to levels suited for international competitors.

Skaters generally move from the Kiwi Skate programme into the standard NZIFSA test programme when they start taking private lessons or have an interest in competing or going further with their skating. You must belong to a club to be able to take these tests.

There are separate test tracks available for singles skating, pairs skating, ice dance, and stroking (general skating skills). In addition, these are further divided into general competitive skating and adult skating tracks.

For further information, we recommend you talk to your coach, you can see the specifics on the adult tests by visiting the NZIFSA website or you can see the general test requirements here.

Registration and application

All skaters wanting to do a test must be TC Registered download the TC Registration Form

When you a ready you will also need to complete the Club’s Test Form

Both forms are to be returned to CMFSC

  • c/- Test & Competition Secretary, Jeanette King, jmking678@gmail.com, or post to 8 Impala Place Christchurch 8042
  • If paying by by Direct Credit the account number is BNZ:   02-1235-0018998-00 .  Please quote your name in the reference and email Liz Sarjeant lizsarjeant@xtra.co.nz when payment is made.
  • or you can hand forms and payment to Jeanne or Jeanette at the rink